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Funny pictures, funny pics, pictures of cats, cool pictures and crazy pictures updated daily.
Doorknob Licking
Its a rising trend in japan.
01.15.12Viewed 2,312Funny in Cool Pictures -
Roadside Flexibility
What for?
12.19.11Viewed 404Funny in Funny Links -
Football Fwiends
They might look big and tough in all that body armour and lycra, but they have feelings too ya'know? If this does happen make sure the guy taking pity isn't a dick, or a called 'A Johnson'.
12.06.11Viewed 504Funny in Funny Pictures -
USS Los Angeles Stands on End
Before the end of the world, Los Angeles will be on the ocean floor - so this is sort of accurate
11.28.11Viewed 1,547Funny in Cool Links -
Vending Machine Fail
LOL someone was mad when they tried to buy more of the same so that it would fall over and he would get all of them... Remember kids, DONT GAMBLE
11.17.11Viewed 378Funny in Funny Links -
Extreme Ginger
I bet your girlfriend loves you for that
11.30.11Viewed 510Funny in Funny Pictures -
Naked Guy on Pier
now thats a real bender
06.21.11Viewed 484Funny in Funny Links -
Wind is Your Friend
Whoever she's with wins the race
11.05.11Viewed 1,965Funny in Funny Pictures -
Sneaky Guy
I bet the girl likes it by pretending to sleep
08.26.11Viewed 3,180Funny in Funny Pictures -
Why the World won't End in 2012
very good question. lol
06.11.11Viewed 311Funny in Funny Links -
Loves Boyfriend
Be sure to love him, or you can't find someone to love like you again
08.13.11Viewed 1,032Funny in Funny Pictures -
Street Shoe Vending Machine
With this, your always on the go
03.27.11Viewed 483Funny in Funny Links -
Nike Eyebrows
Those eyes are telling me that they are 4:20 friendly
03.15.11Viewed 380Funny in Funny Links -
Golden Shower
Not all places are golden shower friendly I guess.
06.30.11Viewed 2,241Funny in Funny Pictures -
Bartender Bottle Fail
The bartender was on a roll until the bottle slips out of his hand and takes out the cameraman.
02.23.11Viewed 351Funny in Funny Links -
Weekend Randomness
Its a cold weekend!.. Have a happy weekend
06.25.11Viewed 3,192Funny in Funny Pictures -
Daily Cool Pics
Trying to impress your friends doesn�t always work out like you had planned. Think ahead people.
06.23.11Viewed 2,052Funny in Cool Pictures -
She Will Never Have A Boyfriend!
If you'd have seen her in school about 12 years ago you wouldn't have batted an eylid and thought. "she's destined to remain a virgin forever". How wrong could you be about Megan Fox!?!
02.15.11Viewed 470Funny in Funny Links -
Ugly Chick, Hot Friends
Anyone is hot next to that monster
06.07.11Viewed 2,068Funny in Funny Pictures -
Friends Forever!
Ok, when something like this appears in Shrek we all smile and think it's the sweetest thing - But REAL LIFE!!! - That's another thing entirely - OMG!
02.10.11Viewed 290Funny in Funny Links -
How To Stalk Your Ex...
These are the perfect applications for you to see just what your ex-girlfriend is up to then just make sure you do the same thing, easy money really. Stalking has never been so easy!
01.08.11Viewed 249Funny in Cool Links -
Have You Met My Friend?
You know the scenario, you are at a party, doing the social thing when all of a sudden someone comes over to you to say 'Hai', does some social pleasantries and then introduces you to their 'friend' - OMG!
06.05.11Viewed 3,936Funny in Funny Pictures -
Bend Back Heart Attack !
I wonder why we never see this strange CPR technique on ER ?!
01.07.11Viewed 215Funny in Cool Links -
Hello, I Am Osama
Wow, osama is also an endorser!
05.08.11Viewed 1,965Funny in Funny Pictures -
This has to be the ultimate fantasy that the legend who was Goatse could have ever hoped for - I just hope this doesn't catch on - WTF?
05.07.11Viewed 11,070Funny in Funny Pictures -
Whom To Spend Christmas With
just spend Xmas with the one you love
12.22.10Viewed 797Funny in Cool Links -
How To Get A Boyfriend?
Normally we have endless "How to get a girlfriend' postes, but now the tables have been turned. Ladies, if you want a man try doing this, guys just adore a portabe table to rest their drinks on while driving :)
03.31.11Viewed 9,395Funny in Funny Pictures -
Dog Defends his Bone
This dog needed a bit of fun in his day so he created his own game!
11.30.10Viewed 192Funny in Funny Links -
Girl Failed Wii Celebration
A cute girl falls on his ass while doing a Wii celebration.
10.16.10Viewed 265Funny in Funny Links -
One Big Wish
Well, you can be sure, I DON'T wish my girlfriend was as hot as this..
03.31.11Viewed 3,259Funny in Funny Pictures -
Weightlifter Ends Career
Snapping your arm while lifting huge amounts of weight like this are sure to end your career for good.
10.05.10Viewed 275Funny in Cool Links -
A St. Paddy's Greeting For U
Happy st. patricks to everyone. Dont be drunk just get dunk. lol
03.10.11Viewed 3,369Funny in St. Patricks Day -
Panda Scared
I swear bro, that bamboo ain't even mine. Just holding it for a friend.
03.03.11Viewed 2,427Funny in Funny Animals -
Girlfriends Chair Dance Fall
The one on the left falls right on her face.
08.25.10Viewed 592Funny in April Fools Pictures -
Male Celebs If They Were Women
It's a scary thought but when you have a look, some of these guys scrub up pretty good as chicks, and then again, some of them still look like they have been hit with the BIG ugly stick - Either way i'd prefer the correct gender please!
02.06.11Viewed 4,737Funny in Celebrities -
E gads!!! What fresh hell is this? You couldn't make this sh#t up, I mean, just watch & look what happens to the little babies old chap!!! Then dad gets it in the face - I just don't know what to say, I'm shaking my head here in disbelief...
05.11.10Viewed 202Funny in Funny Links -
Bend Over Stuff
I just love the expression. Where can I buy it?
02.02.11Viewed 2,324Funny in Funny Pictures -
The Bartender
And he thought the worst he'd have to deal with was angry drunks!
04.18.10Viewed 801Funny in Funny Links -
Weekend Enjoyment
This sure makes your stress go away.
01.22.11Viewed 3,004Funny in Funny Pictures -
That's What Friends Are For !
You can sleep well at night safe with the knowledge that your buddies will always be looking out for your ass and not let anything BAD happen - NOT!
04.05.10Viewed 881Funny in Cool Links
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