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Funny pictures, funny pics, pictures of cats, cool pictures and crazy pictures updated daily.
Jump To Safety
What are the chances of a airplane hitting a truck. Someone needs to find out the statistics Am I really save?
11.19.11Viewed 1,380Funny in Funny Pictures -
Plane Crash
Er, Captain, the runway is extremely short, but it is DAMNED wide!!
01.11.12Viewed 372Funny in Cool Links -
Random Skaters Crashes
That must really hurt them It sure is dangerous sometimes.
02.05.10Viewed 8,565 -
Plane Out of Building
So,,, how did the building stood still?
11.30.11Viewed 218Funny in Cool Links -
Crazy Helicopter Crash
This is a pretty messed up crash, lucky no one was hurt and the thing didn't explode. But what's more hilarious is one of the comment from one of the rescuers, "Don't worry about that Richard, ring the news room!" Priorities.
11.29.11Viewed 221Funny in Cool Links -
Oh man...that's gotta hurt the pocket book
06.05.09Viewed 1,571Funny in Cool Pictures -
USS Los Angeles Stands on End
Before the end of the world, Los Angeles will be on the ocean floor - so this is sort of accurate
11.28.11Viewed 1,547Funny in Cool Links -
Watch Out
Hands on 10 and 2 o'clock dude!
05.16.09Viewed 1,993Funny in Cool Pictures -
Blonde Drivers
I'm not even sure how she managed this one.
05.13.09Viewed 5,121Funny in Cool Pictures -
Crunched Car
Military Truck Eats This Car, I bet you the driver did not want to move out of the way.
11.20.11Viewed 387Funny in Cool Links -
Round Up on Shopping Carts
Somebody is going to start off on the wrong side of the bed once they see this.
05.02.09Viewed 2,563Funny in Funny Pictures -
Mario Bros. Scooter Crash
There's nothing like trivialising what could potentially be a nasty accident by putting a bit of Mario music over the top so we can all have a good chuckle. After all, what's the internet for if not to push the boundaries of bad taste.
11.17.11Viewed 285Funny in Funny Links -
Ferris Wheel Plane Crash
Imagine how strong the ferriswheel stood still even when plane crshed
10.11.11Viewed 415Funny in Cool Links -
Google Street View Crash
Hilarious pictures from Google Street View of a kid crashing his bicycle.
04.23.08Viewed 7,689Funny in Funny Pictures -
Totally Car Crashed
So, where did that bulk came from?
09.07.11Viewed 402Funny in Funny Links -
Weird Car Crashes
Take a look at all these funny and strange car crashes from all over the planet! lol.
11.23.07Viewed 13,647Funny in Weird Funny Pictures -
Beer Truck Crash
10.17.07Viewed 21,592Funny in Funny Pictures -
Big Kid Crashes Big Wheel
This kid gets towed on his Huffy Slider behind his friend's car and slams into a small tree. The tree is ok, the big wheel is a little worse for wear, and the kid is... well... he's got bigger problems than a broken trike.
08.10.11Viewed 326Funny in Funny Links -
A crazy semi truck crash.
08.05.07Viewed 3,469Funny in Cool Pictures -
Trucks vs Bridge
These truck drivers completely forgot about bridges and height restrictions.
04.17.11Viewed 396Funny in Cool Links -
Cat Crash Tests the Aquarium
Fascinated by the fish in the tank, he finally chooses his moment to pounce... into the glass.
04.03.11Viewed 398Funny in Funny Links -
These car crashes are a bit more than simple fender-benders...
05.30.07Viewed 9,784Funny in Cool Pictures -
Learn To Fly
Looks like there�s a bit of a learning curve�.hopefully this fella survived
04.03.11Viewed 358Funny in Funny Links -
Windows Crashing
The infamous blue screen of death making appearances in some unlikely places...
04.23.07Viewed 8,120Funny in Funny Pictures -
Truck Crash
How does a truck driver screw up this badly?!
04.21.07Viewed 7,002Funny in Cool Pictures -
So that's why Sanford & Son got cancelled.
03.22.11Viewed 425Funny in Funny Links -
Weird Plane Crash
A very un-typical plane crash at the airport... How did this happen?
03.12.07Viewed 6,520Funny in Weird Funny Pictures -
Cop Crashes Down Stairs
I think it's official. Bike officers must be the ones who aren't smart enough to graduate the police academy but are willing to get on a bike wearing those stupid shorts.
03.14.11Viewed 425Funny in Funny Links -
One in a Million Car Crash
On a highway in Salem, NH, it started out as a spinout.....
02.06.11Viewed 192Funny in Cool Links -
Exotic Crashes
This is what luxury cars look like after high-speed collisions...
03.07.07Viewed 6,044Funny in Cool Pictures -
Double FAIL
Some people are just born to fail - First the poor guy crashes, then he gets run over. OUCH!!
01.18.11Viewed 203Funny in Cool Links -
Nascar Crashes
Nobody ever said that Nascar was a safe sport!
02.26.07Viewed 4,003Funny in Cool Pictures -
Mini Crashes
Banzai car crashes.
12.13.06Viewed 16,870Funny in Cool Pictures -
Snowboarder Crashes Into Short Fence
Well my friend jake was not very smart for doing this, but share on facebook and such and subscribe, if this one gets good feedback, ill post more :]
01.10.11Viewed 318Funny in Funny Links -
Bizarre Car Crashes
How did these people manage to do this?
04.28.06Viewed 27,688Funny in Cool Pictures -
Bumblebee Crashes Into Real Cop Car
A DC Police car responds to an emergency call and decides to cut across a closed Transformer 3 set to save time. The officer manages to dodge out of the way of Optimus Prime but gets sideswiped by Bumblebee
12.30.10Viewed 148Funny in Cool Links -
Insane Car Crash
Now can anyone tell me how this happened?
04.18.06Viewed 22,592Funny in Cool Pictures -
Street Surfer Skids Into Building
There are no stops on this historical tour of Old Europe, except by painful accident. Well those dopey Euros will always learn the hard way wont they?
12.09.10Viewed 396Funny in Funny Links -
Airshow Jet Crash
This sadly killed a lot of people and the two pilots were jailed.
04.14.06Viewed 27,793Funny in Cool Pictures -
Airbus crash
The worlds first, fully automated plane crashes during testing. Luckily no person was on board.
12.05.10Viewed 442Funny in Cool Links
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