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Booty Vehicle Races A Trainer
Nothing to see here, just an ass on wheels racing a mobile trainer. OK, I lied, there�s lots to see here as these two strange vehicles duke it out in the desert. If you want to know why, then shame on you.
01.12.12Viewed 434Funny in Funny Links -
Virgin Diaries
Car crash TV at it's finest. Watch the cringe-worthy moment when two forever-alone types hook up, get married and have their first ever kiss. Never having kissed anyone is no excuse for being this bad at it.
12.04.11Viewed 364Funny in Funny Links -
Lip Syncer Slips Down Stairs
Quick! Everybody pretend to stop playing all at once!
11.14.11Viewed 552Funny in Funny Links -
Man Fooled By Fake Store
A couple guys at the Stockholm Train Station catch a fast walking commuter walk straight into a picture of a store on the wall
10.11.11Viewed 419Funny in Funny Links -
Groupie Grinding Fail
This old woman tries to dance up on a rapper and ends up on the ground. Someone should check to see whether Twitter is down-- I think I just spotted the fail whale.
05.02.11Viewed 622Funny in Funny Links -
Reporter Nose Blooper
A lot of you might think this is pretty funny but really it's snot.
04.21.11Viewed 513Funny in Funny Links -
Mascot Bloopers
A collection of mascots doing their thing and getting hurt while doing it!
04.18.11Viewed 403Funny in Funny Links -
Longboarder FAIL!
Man (idiot) vs truck in a game of PAIN! Usually, 'that's gonna leave a mark' is just a figure of speech! This is the kinda FAIL i wanna see, lonboarding looks kewl & is usually conducted by dudes who think that if they are riding one the 'kewl' statu
04.18.11Viewed 1,121Funny in Funny Links -
Cockroach Attacks a Gay Weatherman
A cockroach comes after the weatherman and his reaction is hilarious!
04.17.11Viewed 360Funny in Funny Links -
Punched During Stupid Gym Stunt
Stop crying, man! That punch was officially the softest thing in that room full of mats and cushions.
04.16.11Viewed 315Funny in Funny Links -
Chair Prank
Three guys watching tv, but one isn't keeping an eye his c
04.16.11Viewed 310Funny in Funny Links -
Japanese Human Bowling
Another crazy game from Japanese television! Here they must oil up and slide down fast enough to bowl over 100 pins!
04.15.11Viewed 311Funny in Funny Links -
Bottle Launcher Kid FAIL!
With the right household items and just the correct application of limited braincells, this ordinary bottle becomes a face-seeking missile - I guess it's a good way for kids to learn - LMAO!
04.14.11Viewed 255Funny in Funny Links -
Rescue Helicopter Liftoff Fail
This rescue helicopter slices a telephone line as it begins to take off. "No one else in this county gets to call 911! NO ONE!"
04.14.11Viewed 263Funny in Funny Links -
Exercise Ball Chick FAIL!
Can you imagine how much this would have hurt? But seriously what an idiot, what did she think was going to happen. Running into someone at full steam. Someone call a medic because this chick has brain damage (before she had an accident)
04.13.11Viewed 303Funny in Funny Links -
Cyclying on a Ledge
Wasn't such a great idea after all.
04.12.11Viewed 391Funny in Funny Links -
Baby Video Ruined By Humping Dog
Aww, the dog is helping tell the story of the babies' birth!
04.08.11Viewed 436Funny in Funny Links -
Flying Merry Go Round FAIL!
"I say boom boom boom now everybody get out the wayo...WAYO! This chick is standing a little bit too close to the merry-go-round for comfort and takes a flying kick to the head from her friend for her troubles. Boom!
04.04.11Viewed 433Funny in Funny Links -
Giant Football Hits Kid in the Head
Kids seem to be prepping really early for football concussions nowadays. By the time he is old enough to be any good he is going to be as hard as nails and not have a single brailcell left to worry about wtf he is doing! GOOOOOOOO' OWNAGE!!!
03.24.11Viewed 408Funny in Funny Links -
Coolest Kid EVER
Kids are so sweet and playful, so cute and becoming, so adorable! Not unlike this little guy. Pulling down his mom's skirt, hitting her, throwing magazines on the floor and freaking out like I do when my girlfriend won't let me have a beer
03.16.11Viewed 954Funny in Funny Links -
Roof Surfing Mega FAIL!
Roof surfing is the NEW cool sport, it's not for the faint of heart & even if everything goes 100% according to plan you're still going to end up in an INCREDIBLE amount of pain at the end of it. I reckon with the addition of water this could catch on?
03.15.11Viewed 434Funny in Funny Links -
St. Patricks Day Car Bombs
My friends drinking on St. Patricks day, fineshed off with a drunk voice message that the sender doesnt remember.
03.11.11Viewed 389Funny in Funny Links -
Backflips And Impales Nuts On Pole
Sometimes you don't have the balls to try a dangerous stunt and sometimes trying said stunt leaves you with NO balls! I don't think he was prepared for losing his V-card to be such a painful experience.
03.10.11Viewed 547Funny in Funny Links -
Snake Charmer FAIL!
It's all going so well, you have a snake and you have a woman with a killer cleavage trying to French tongue it (we don't know why either?). But, you know, they might have predicted what was going to happen here. See if you can guess
03.07.11Viewed 627Funny in Funny Links -
Forgets to Stop
Another gymnast with a less than ideal ending
03.06.11Viewed 464Funny in Funny Links -
Zip Line FAIL
Kid on a zip line falls on his head.
03.02.11Viewed 406Funny in Funny Links -
Blonde Vs Trampoline
This blond will never be a man show juggy. Or a runner. Or a walker.
02.28.11Viewed 576Funny in Funny Links -
Synchronized Chick Swing FAIL!
There really is no excuse for this is there. If you friend lands it right next to you and you land on your face then you are an idiot pure and simple. I thought chicks were good at this kinda stuff?
02.26.11Viewed 549Funny in Funny Links -
Hanging Upside Down
This guy slips while hanging upside down on a swing set and is knocked out cold.
02.25.11Viewed 323Funny in Funny Links -
Exercise Ball Launch
Four guys holding exercise balls run into each other at full speed and one of them gets launched across the gym floor.
02.24.11Viewed 403Funny in Funny Links -
Crane Toss Fail
Proof conclusive that all good things come to an end, in this case quicker than anyone expected! This went from a really cool idea to a really stupid idea in near record time.
02.23.11Viewed 416Funny in Funny Links -
Bartender Bottle Fail
The bartender was on a roll until the bottle slips out of his hand and takes out the cameraman.
02.23.11Viewed 351Funny in Funny Links -
How NOT To Push A Car!
If i had witnessed this event whilst driving home i probably would have totaled my vehicle due to the lack of being able to control my laughter - This is the stuff of legends and deserves it's very own song - LMAO!
02.22.11Viewed 430Funny in Funny Links -
Amazing Blob Jump Launch
I dont think this little girl had any idea what she was in for with this blob jump launch.
02.20.11Viewed 378Funny in Funny Links -
Slow Motion Underwater Fail
wait for it...
02.18.11Viewed 535Funny in Funny Links -
Ownage of a Slam-Dunker
The first kid may be good at looking like he can slam dunk, but the kid out of camera range obviously has the best aim. LOL
02.18.11Viewed 372Funny in Funny Links -
Ladder Drop Accident
It doesn't take a genius to see that he could've used a much shorter ladder to make it over the fence and into the pool, but it might take a doctor to help him walk again.
02.18.11Viewed 373Funny in Funny Links -
Choir Kid Vomits On Girl Like A Boss
Sometimes you have to just let it all out and spread the joy, sometimes NOT! This choir kid spews all over the girl in front of him. And he thought things were bad when he was referred to as "Bowl Cut" in the halls...
02.17.11Viewed 383Funny in Funny Links -
Do Da Urkel Dance
Congratulations, kid. Being shaped like a beach ball and doing the Urkel Dance have balanced each other out, leaving nothing for anyone to make fun of.
02.17.11Viewed 606Funny in Funny Links -
Water Cooler Chick Gets Owned !
Imagine getting spat on and electrocuted for bending over backards - OUCH!!!
02.14.11Viewed 412Funny in Funny Links
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