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  • Funny Links - Britney Spears Hauled Away Britney Spears Hauled Away

    This is not so much funny as sad. Britney Spears was forcibly taken from her house, strapped to a gurney, and put into an ambulance. The hospital will hold her for a 72-hour evaluation. Police and reporters were all over the place!

    Viewed 773
    Funny in Funny Links
  • Cool Links - Britney Hauled Away Britney Hauled Away

    This is not so much funny as sad. Britney Spears was forcibly taken from her house, strapped to a gurney, and put into an ambulance. The hospital will hold her for a 72-hour evaluation. Police and reporters were all over the place!

    Viewed 1,817
    Funny in Cool Links

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